My R.E

This week in R.E we have been learning about the importance of giving and why we should give. I think it is very important to give because even the smallest of gifts and kind gestures can make the world a better place. The task we had to do was watch a video and answer some simple questions about our R.E and the video.

Here is my task.

Sammie R.E

Have you ever giving something to someone and how did it make you feel.

Sammie’s amazing reading

This week for reading we have been learning how global warming is affecting the world we live in and what we can do to stop it. One thing that I learnt was that when cows pooh, it releases methane into the air  which is a powerful climate warming gas. For this week we were required to make a poster on what we learnt from reading the text. Here is my work.



There are a few ways we can help slow down the effects of climate change. These can be changes that we do in our personal lives, for example, we can switch our toothbrushes from plastic to bamboo, which would reduce the amount of plastic waste going into landfill each year. But these changes can also be made as a community, such as growing a community garden which would reduce the amount of food wasted and food also going to landfill.

What are some changes you could make in your own life, to slow down the effects of climate change?

Sammie’s amazing writing letter.

This week for writing we have been doing a task board and one of my favorite tasks was a letter to me in the future. For the task we were required to make a letter with information about how old we are now what school we go to and questions we want answered like do we have a family and stuff like that. The goal was to learn how to write a letter to someone with paragraphs and correct punctuation. here is a LINK to what I made.

My amazing roller coaster create

This week for reading we have been learning about roller coasters and how they work. I found out that there were rides in Russia in the 15th century: sleds constructed of  tree trunks sped down man made snowy hills. The rides were more elaborate than simply sledding, reaching speeds of 50 miles (80 km) per hour and earning the nickname flying mountains. We were required to do a create to show our learning he is what i made.

First we had to make a list of questions you would want to know and then after we made our coaster we would answer them.

Here were my questions

  • Is it safe 
  • How is it safe 
  • is it cost effective 
  • Will it attract lots of people  
  • Is it fun 

Here were my answers

  1. Yes
  2. Because the safety inspection gave me a pass to open it up for good
  3. Yes it cost 3.5 million to make and we sell tickets for 25 dollars and 1.5k people go on it a day so in less than 100 days we will start to make a profit of $37k per day and it took 200 hundred days to make
  4. Yes because it is in the center of Dubai which gets over 14 million tourists each year and the middle east has 90 million tourists each year
  5. Yes we have over 20k 5 star reviews

Here is a link to the app I used to create my coaster. Amusement park. 

Over all i found this task really fun and would love to do something like this in the future.

My question to you is have you ever been on a roller coaster.

My amazing math

Last week in math we had to make patterns out of shapes and make a rule for them, I made a triangle out of dots.

here is my work.



My rule was every time you add a row of dots to the bottom of the triangle the row you add has more dots that the previous one.

How can we be Champions of Peace

How can we be Champions of Peace


For the last four weeks of Term 3 we were learning about ‘How we can be Champions on Peace’. 

Firstly we learnt about the different symbols of peace. Some of these are the C.N.D symbol and the yin yang.  

These symbols represent peace because C.N.D stands for Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and yin yang is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption.

With these symbols in mind I created a Peace Artwork. My Peace Artwork represents peace because it has multiple symbols that represent peace for example the heart means love.



We also researched some real life champions of peace and wrote a short biography. I wrote about Rolando I thought this person was a champion of peace because he donates blood to help kids in need. 


We also created a peace prayer book. I have attached my peace prayer book here. 



I enjoyed learning about peace because we got to do lots of fun tasks. 

I learnt that you can show peace in more ways than one.

One way I plan on being a champion of peace is by helping people who are hurt.

Sammies Science!

In Science we have been learning about electricity. I have found it really fun and interesting, it was a cool experience and seeing how everything worked. One of the experiments we did was battery power it involved you putting some nails is a jar of water and salt and you could use a clamp to connect the nails to the buzzer.

Here is everything we used to make the buzzer sound.

  • nails
  • buzzer with clamps on the end of a wire
  • water
  • salt
  • cups to put water in

Before conducting my experiment I thought that it was going to work because the salt might affect the water and make a spark on the water therefore making the nails a be electric and power the buzzer go.

After finishing my experiment I found out that my hypothesis was correct because the salt did do something to the water that made a small spark. 

Out of all the experiments we did I really enjoyed doing because for me it was the only one that worked for me.  

Something I found challenging was trying to figure out how much salt we needed to put in the cup. 

In all I found this activity really fun and I would love to do it again.

Have you ever done a fun science experiment and how did it go?

Sammie’s amazing poetry.

Over the first few weeks of Term 3 we have been reading and writing all different types of poetry. Please enjoy reading my poetry.


List Poems: I discovered that a list poem is a poetic form that presents ideas, images, or emotions through a series of items or descriptions. It was interesting to write them and also very hard for me to try and think of words that rhymed and to describe different planets.

Limericks: I learned that a limerick is a humorous five-line poem with a distinctive rhyme scheme and a bouncy rhythm. I also learned that limericks originated in Ireland, I enjoyed writing a funny humorous poem. here is what I wrote. 

Blackout Poetry: I discovered that Blackout poetry is the art of selectively erasing words from existing texts to create new poetic compositions. It was interesting to choose a bunch of words from the text I used. The text I chose was Charlotte’s wed and here is what I ended up with. 

Over the last two weeks:

I really enjoyed learning and write about these fun poems. 

What is something new you learned about poetry from my blog?

My amazing writing.

here is my write

A New Version of the gingerbread man

Original New
Once upon a time a granny, a grandpa and a little boy lived in a house in the woods. One day, the granny baked some bread. The gingerbread man was being cooked in the oven. 
With the leftover dough she made a Gingerbread Man and the little boy helped.  All around me all my brothers all my sister all around me they were being munched on 
The granny popped the Gingerbread Man into the oven and went out to the garden with the grandpa. The little boy waited in the kitchen. He was very hungry. I need to stop this. 
Suddenly the oven door opened and the Gingerbread Man jumped out, ran off and raced down the garden!

The boy was amazed and yelled out, “Help, the Gingerbread Man is getting away!”

So he went on a rampage and ate everyone in sight. 

He even ate a whole fox and he was heading towards the city. 

“I put in too much sugar, that’s why he has so much energy,” said the granny.

“You put in too much spice and that’s why he’s so cheeky”, said the grandpa.

If he ate all the people in the big apple he would be pushing genghis khan numbers. 
The little boy just pulled a silly face and ran after the Gingerbread Man.

The grandpa and the granny shouted and yelled and now all three were chasing the Gingerbread Man as fast as they could.

The old man and the old lady ran after the ginger bread man but at the speed he was going he could go to venus. 

But soon he found a river he had heard his brother came to a river 

The Gingerbread Man yelled out, “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!” But soon he found a river he had heard his brother came to the same river but he wasn’t so lucky a fox ate him up. 
A little mouse was looking around in the woods. He wanted some new leaves for his nest. Suddenly, he saw the Gingerbread Man. He licked his little mousy lips. Then he squeaked, “Gingerbread is my very favorite, yum, yum!”             

The little mouse joined the little boy, the grandpa and granny to chase the Gingerbread Man.

But the Gingerbread Man yelled out, “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!”

Then from in the forest he saw a fox and a wolf but he was not scared he simply just put both of them in his mouth and then carried on back the big apple 
Soon the Gingerbread Man got to a forest and on the edge of the forest was a tortoise. She was really hungry. When she saw the Gingerbread Man, she licked her tortoise lips. Then she started running faster than any tortoise has ever run before!       Soon he arrived but he had a full tummy and he did not want to eat all the people he was too tired to walk back across the river. 

But luckily for him he saw a kindly fox that offered to carry him across the river. 

So now the little boy, the grandpa, the granny, the mouse and the tortoise were chasing the Gingerbread Man.

But the cheeky Gingerbread Man just laughed and yelled back, “Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

It was getting to deep and the gingerbread man climbed on to his nose but without hesitation the fox flicked him up and caught him in his teeth.   
The Gingerbread Man raced as fast as he could and soon, he reached a riverbank. The river looked very deep. He looked down at the water and thought, “Oh dear, what shall I do? I don’t know how to swim. They’ll catch me and eat me all up!” And gobbled him up. 
Now, there was a crafty fox hiding behind the grass on the riverbank. The crafty fox saw the Gingerbread Man, licked his lips and said, “Gingerbread Man, are you in trouble?”
The Gingerbread Man answered, “Yes, I need to cross the river really quickly but I can’t swim!”

The crafty fox said in a nice voice, “Don’t worry; I’m a very strong swimmer. Just jump on my back and I will carry you across.”

So, the Gingerbread Man climbed onto the crafty fox’s back and the fox began to cross the river.                                  
When they reached the middle of the river, the crafty fox said, “Gingerbread Man, I think you should climb onto my nose, because the water is deep here and you might drown.”
The Gingerbread Man moved right up close to the crafty fox’s nostrils. The delicious gingery smell was too much. The crafty fox turned his head and snapped his great big teeth. But the Gingerbread Man jumped right up in the air and tumbled onto the riverbank.                                    

Then he ran as fast and as far away as he could.

He was almost out of breath and lay down by a hollow tree. As he opened his eyes, he thought he must have been eaten. But he hadn’t.

Then he thought he must still be dreaming because the most beautiful Gingerbread Girl stood there and looked down at him. She had run away from a hot oven, too!                               



P.B.L Sammie king

Over the course of term one we have looked at the question: How can we help build a resilient community? We are using something called The Resilience Project to understand simple tricks to make our lives better. I have learnt that it is so important to practice TRP/ The Resilience Project.

Here is my P.B.L task:

The whole school had a showcase evening to look at all the students’ creations and learn more about The Resilience Project.  Here is an invite I made

For the showcase evening I worked with Payton and Francesca. 

We decided to create goody bags with Rocks, Phone charms, Quotes and stickers. We also thought it would bea good idea to include quotes because we thought if people don’t feel calm they can read them and it will make them feel better

Here is my final creation

I now know more about the GEM and understand what it is and how I can use it in my life to be happier.

Throughout the creating process I feel like I did the video really well. I could have been better at helping my group . 

If I was to do this again, next time I would help them more.